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This year we have stepped up our efforts to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. English School
Students have taken the initiative to involve themselves in a vast range of fund-raising activities from Sep-
tember till May. These initiatives have included the following:
Students supported the initiatives of
cyprus Aid
– an organisation set up by current and ex students of the
English School to raise money for families in need in Cyprus. They organised a successful Bazaar in St.
Demetrios Park on the 28th September and a bake sale at school on Monday 30th September.
On the 8th October there was a non uniform day for
The nicosia Dog Shelter (nDg)
which was coupled with
two assemblies from volunteers from the NDG. Students were invited to participate in the Dogathon event
that took place on the 30th October leading to a record participation from ES Students. € 1663 was raised
In November the Club
“We care We help”
organised a non uniform day and 2 assemblies where guest speak-
ers were invited to talk about volunteerism. The aim was to inspire students to take actions to help their
communities. The money raised went to needy families in Cyprus. €1644 was raised.
As part of the Founders Day events the Student-led Initiative
“A mind is a terrible thing to waste“
a Zumba Dance Fiesta and a Bake Sale on 16th November. Proceeds of which went towards the longer-term
project to build a school in Africa. € 600 was raised
5)A very successful initiative from the Student Council this year involved collaboration with the Charity
to collect essential food and other items for families in need in Cyprus. The first collection took place
on November 21st and 22nd. This initiative was repeated on a monthly basis throughout the school year and
has highlighted the great generosity of students, staff and parents. (see picture below)
A group of students organised a Bake Sale at the school on the 7th / 8th November to support and raise funds
for the
Alkionides charity.
€ 539 was raised.
A Non uniform day took place on the 18th November to raise funds for the victims of the
Philippine Typhoon
which was inspired by a letter from a student in Year 7. €1733 was raised
During UN Children’s Day, 20th November, money was raised by year 6 students for the
Association of Par-
ents and Friends of children with cancer
, who sold a variety of products.
€600 was raised with ESPA kindly contributing another €300.
On December 6th there was a bake sale organised by students in order to raise funds for the
which has been instrumental in caring for patients with cancer and is now facing financial difficul-
ties. € 335 euros was raised
On the 12th December the English School
organised a bake sale / bazaar to raise funds for the
cause of fighting cancer through education and raising awareness.
A sum of €143 was raised.
On the 27th January there was a very special Assembly organised to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Dis-
ease which was presented by the
cyprus Alzheimer’s Association
together with Professor Savvas Papacostas.
This was coupled with a non-uniform Day. The sum of €1537 was raised for the Cyprus Alzheimer’s Associa-
On Sunday 6th April a group of students from the Student Council volunteered and helped the
Family and
Friends of people with Autism Association
by participating in a fund-raising event at Ayios Demetrios Park.
The charity bazaar included many fun activities for children with autism and their parents. The event was
successful in raising funds and awareness about Autism
On Saturday 3rd of May 2014, the English School Dream Builders Team, members of the
“We care We help”
Club, renovated the dining and the living room of a needy single parent family in Nicosia.
On the 19th May another non uniform day was organised at the request of two Year 4 Students. The purpose
was to collect money to support the family of a student from Nicosia who had recently been involved in a
tragic car accident in Nicosia and who needed specialist treatment abroad.
On the 12th and 19th May Students from 1 white were involved in a
Red cross
charity event at school and
collected donations from students and staff for the Red Cross.
On Tuesday 27 May, Year 1 pupils from the
“We care We help”
Club visited a poor Cypriot family in Nicosia
and provided them with food and other necessary items.
We believe that it is of paramount importance that we continue to encourage the next generation to be vol-
unteers, campaigners and philanthropists. We are very proud of our students’ efforts this year as they have
shown compassion, generosity as well as active citizenship in helping to create better and more caring com-
Report by
Mari a Asvesta
Assi stant Head
The English
School -
A Giving
Three of our dedicated
volunteers unloading and
sor ng the generous do-
na ons of foodstuff and
other essen al household
items from the English
School community. The
goods were distributed to
des tute families on a
regular basis in collabora-
on with the charity
“Vagoni Agapis”
(“Wagon of Love”)
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